The Forest Service is proposing the construction of a massive sno-park at Kapka Butte. This will add more snowmobiles to the Century Drive corridor but will not address the safety, parking, and access needs of skiers and snowshoers. The Bend Backcountry Alliance needs our help!
You can comment on this proposal, voicing your opposition to this new sno-park and your support for equitable accommodations for non-motorized users.
Ways to support the Bend Backcountry Zone and voice opposition to the Kapka Butte Sno-Park:
1. Email the Forest Service with your comments @ comments-pacificnorthwest-deschutes-bend-ftrock@fs.fed.us
(Please put “Kapka Scoping Comments” in the subject line of your email and cc: info@bendbc.com)
2. Attend the Backcountry Film Festival on Tuesday, January 27, 9pm @ Mcmenamins, its FREE!!!
Get all the details and talking points for your comments at www.bendbc.com
Get involved, its your backyard!!!!