Thirty-one years today, during half time of the SuperBowl, the whole world changed; for the better. It had nothing to do with the half-time show or who won the game. During half-time of SuperBowl XXV, my little sister was born, Kacy Ann Elizabeth Bishop.
I don’t remember those first days, but I have been told I loved her immediately. I was kind and tender and gentle. She was my best friend, from day one. And today, all grown-up, this remains true.
We have had our moments, our ups and downs, our trials and tribulations, our laughs, our cries, our celebrations! Through it all, I have never stopped loving her, in the deepest place in my heart, reserved for my sister, and my sister alone. No matter where our lives take us, we will be together, bonded by something stronger than any other: Sisterhood.